Community Service Provider Choice Forms
Children's Residential Providers
Personal Care Service Providers (agency-drected)
Self-Directed/In-home Supports & Services
Specialized Medical Care Providers
Supported Employment Providers
Targeted Case Management (TCM) Providers
WORK and Working Healthy Program Options
"Many people with disabilities want to work but worry that doing so could jeopardize their vital health and long term care coverage. Working Healthy offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to get or keep Medicaid coverage while on the job. Through Working Healthy people can earn more, save more, achieve their career goals, and still maintain their health coverage." - From the Working Healthy web site (
Kansas Vocational Rehabilitation Services: |
Working Healthy "WORK" Program: |
If the provider you are interested in is not listed here, or if you have further questions about affiliated service providers, please contact us.
If you are interested in becoming affiliated with the CDDO,
see the following document for additional information: